Keto Coleslaw

Nothing says ‘merica like coleslaw. Don’t get me wrong, I love coleslaw, so I set out to make a Keto friendly version, and this does not disappoint. Stay tuned for Keto tater salad!



5 cups grated cabbage

1 cup mayonnaise

2 Tbs erythritol

1 Tbs Apple cider vinegar

2 tsp lemon juice

1 tsp stone ground mustard

1/2 tsp celery seed

1/2 teaspoon salt




Mix ingredients together in a large bowl.

Grate 5 cups of cabbage or place in a food processor. Mix it all together and you have slaw!

* You  an eat it right away, but it’s best if you place it in the fridge for a few hours to chill and soak up all the flavor.


2.9 net carbs.


Miso Ramen

Ramen is one of my favorite comfort foods. The moment I started Keto I was determined to make a Keto friendly version. I hope you enjoy.




3 cups water

4 tsp miso paste

1 tsp Sriracha

2 tsp Rice wine vinegar

salt or soy sauce if needed


Shiritaki or your favorite low carb noodle replacement


4 oz pork tenderloin

1 Tbs soy sauce

1/2 tsp black pepper

A pinch of powdered ginger

few drops of toasted sesame oil (optional)

Pickled Cabbage:

1/4 cup cabbage

1/2 cup rice wine or white vinegar


Green onion


pickled cabbage

soft boiled egg

more Sriracha

cooking oil of your choice

chili paste :




The Ceremony

Start by placing the cabbage in a container with the vinegar to pickle. It will need at least 2 hours at room temperature or can be placed in the fridge overnight

Place a small pot 2/3 of the way full of water on the stove.  Carefully place the egg in the water and set heat to high, or rapid boil. Once the water comes to a boil set the timer for 6 minuets. Once 6 minuets has passed, immediately start cooling the egg by placing it in ice water, or run cold water over it, to stop the cooking process. We want the yolk runny for our broth. Place eggs in the refrigerator.

marinate the pork tenderloin with the soy sauce pepper and ginger.

Place a medium pot on the stove and add all the broth ingredients. Set heat to medium until boiling, then reduce to low. Taste the broth once the miso has dissolved. Depending on the brand, you may need to add salt, or soy sauce. If it’s not spicy enough for you, add more Sriracha.


While the broth simmers add another medium pot to the stove 2/3 full of water and set the heat to high or rapid boil. Start rinsing the shiritake noodles in hot water. Rinse them really well. Once water has boiled, carefully submerge your noodles. Boil for 2 minutes. Drain noodles and add to the broth for an additional minute and remove pot from heat and set aside.

Heat your skillet on medium high with cooking oil of your choice and a few drops of sesame oil (optional). Cook pork tenderloin until cooked throughout and krispy around the edges.

Shell your eggs.

Grab your favorite ramen bowl and add the noodles and as much broth as you would like. Drain and squeeze the pickles cabbage and place on noodles. Cut your egg in half and do the same. Add the rest of the toppings as well as a few squirts of Sriracha and enjoy!



7 net carbs.






Keto Rolls

These rolls are the real deal. My non Keto roommate agrees that they are fantastic! They are spongy, have a very mild flavor, and can hold up to the biggest, juiciest burgers. I’ve even made shrimp po’ boys with them.



  • 1 1/4 Cup Almond Flour
  • 5 Tbs Ground Psyllium Husk Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1tsp  Xantham Gum (optional)
  • 2 tsp Apple Cider
  • 1 1/4 Cup Boiling Water
  • 3 Egg Whites



  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Bring water to a boil.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or use a silicone mat.
  4. Whisk dry ingredients together. I use the paddle attachment on my mixer.
  5. Separate the whites from the yolk. Once separated, add the vinegar and whisk until the whites are slightly frothy:2971CCAC-EDB7-47AC-B208-BC76AC1C6642
  6. Temper the eggs by adding the boiling water to the eggs slowly while while whisking them. This step is important and varies from the original recipe. This allows the eggs to incorporate into the dough much quicker and prevents over mixing.
  7. While the paddles on the mixer are in motion (on slow speed) or if you’re mixing by hand, add the egg mixture slowly to the dry ingredients until the moisture is absorbed. It should only take a few seconds and feel like soft Play Doh:8CF35E53-B4CF-4AAB-B7EA-6730D0ECD9A3
  8. Moisten hands and divide dough into 6 pieces. Roll each section of dough into a ball and slightly flatten into a bun shape. It will be a bit lumpy and small, but should smooth out and expand while baking:451AB19C-8AF2-4DA2-8696-528AF12E680D
  9. Bake on lower rack for 40-50 minutes. You’ll know they’re done when they sound hollow then you tap the bottom. * They may turn out purple. They aren’t burnt, it’s caused by the psyllium husk powder.
  10. Let cool for 5 minuets and enjoy!



* Note: Some Psyllium husk powder will give your rolls a purple hue. I used Anthony’s and it caused my rolls to do just that. It does not effect the taste at all.


Options: You can roll these out with your hands into a log (looks very much like a. . . turd) shape to make hoagie rolls.

Inspired by This recipe. With adjustments.

